Bosque Del Apache - Dec 2019

A pictorial review of my Dec 2019 trip to Bosque Del Apache in New Mexico. This area abounds in birds and other species. I really enjoyed the Kestrels this year as they are so colorful and quick. They are really hard to photograph in flight.
The Sandhill cranes are always a highlight in Bosque.

Road Runners aren't always on the ground.

Blue Herons are mostly solitary and this one had selected a particular pond which was all his own.

The javelinas were out in force this year. There was one field where you could see up to 20 all at once. While photographing that field this guy walked up behind us. I know who was more startled after I heard a grunt and turned around to see him a mere 10-12 feet away.

The Northern Harrier hawks always do their acrobatics just above the growth. This was above a freshly mowed field.

As I said the Kestrels were out. I love photographing this bird becasue its a challenge and the colors are magnificent.

This was the first time I saw mule deer swimming.

Blast-off from a field in mid morning.

Morning sunrise.

You never know what you might come across.

Kestrel in flight

Sandhill Crane

Red Shouldered Hawk banking around.

Greater Road Runner showing his colors

Ravens are really smart birds. Too bad they have such a bad reputation, but they are ruthless and numerous.

Wading during the setting sun

Blue Heron

Another Javelina

Wonderful morning color!

Iconic tree has been in so many photographs.

Road Runners aren't always on the ground.

Blue Herons are mostly solitary and this one had selected a particular pond which was all his own.

The javelinas were out in force this year. There was one field where you could see up to 20 all at once. While photographing that field this guy walked up behind us. I know who was more startled after I heard a grunt and turned around to see him a mere 10-12 feet away.

The Northern Harrier hawks always do their acrobatics just above the growth. This was above a freshly mowed field.

As I said the Kestrels were out. I love photographing this bird becasue its a challenge and the colors are magnificent.

This was the first time I saw mule deer swimming.

Blast-off from a field in mid morning.

Morning sunrise.

You never know what you might come across.

Kestrel in flight

Sandhill Crane

Red Shouldered Hawk banking around.

Greater Road Runner showing his colors

Ravens are really smart birds. Too bad they have such a bad reputation, but they are ruthless and numerous.

Wading during the setting sun

Blue Heron

Another Javelina

Wonderful morning color!

Iconic tree has been in so many photographs.

White Sands is now a National Park. the textures and indulations are amazing.

Early morning sunrise

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