Bears and Babies - Grand Tetons - May 2020

My trip to the Grand Tetons (and Yellowstone area) in May of 2020 has got to be called... Bears and Babies! In fact, I'm now doing an annual trip in the spring, called Bears and Babies. 2021 is SOLD OUT, but check back for 2022
First off, this trip was delayed by a couple factors, the main one being the COVID pandemic and sheltering. The National Parks did not open until May 18th and then only the Wyoming entrances opened. This was especially nice, in that with the exception of Memorial day weekend, the tourists were really down in number. There were many sites where I was the only person there and could photograph from any vantage point I chose. But I do have to say the highlight and absolutely Talk of the Tetons, was bear 399 and her 4 COY (new Cubs Of the Year). They did create one of the biggest "Bear Jams" I've experienced. Saturday of Memorial day weekend it snowed and Yellowstone CLOSED its gates, so all those intended tourists came south to the Grand Tetons, and of course Bear 399 made an appearance along the major road. This caused a traffic back-up that was probably 2 miles long along with about 1/2 mile of parked cars. So here are some more photos of the fabulous 4 and mom.

This definitely was time for the bears to be down in the valley areas. In total, I was 42 different bears, and several I made multiple sightings (such as 399). I saw and least 10 new cubs, 4 yearlings, 2 sub adult grizzlies 11 adult grizzlies, 5 black bear cubs, 2 BB yearlings, 8 BB adults. One Boar in particular was following a female and only had one thing on his mind.

I was able to see him on three different appearances. The object of his desire had a pretty blonde face but was constantly on the move.

Here is some more photos of the moms and kids

More on bears later, I was able to see 2 new moose mothers, one having just given birth a few hours earlier.

I only saw one elk mother and baby, this was still a little bit early in the year for them.

There were a least 2 Great Horned Owl nests that I found, but it was difficult to get a good up close photo.

I also came across a fox den, with a mother and 4 kits, however they seem to never be out all at the same time except for one occurrence. Typically 2 kits were seen but getting a good photo of these active guys was tough.

Then there was the expectant moms. Big Horn sheep ewe and several large rounded elk.

The birds were in fine feather, gathering food and getting ready for their young ones.

The moose were not a plentiful as in the fall, but there still was opportunities to see them

There was a lot of other bears besides the moms and cubs.

All of this action, amongst some of the most scenic landscapes in the world.

All I can say after this trip is WOW!
Join me next year!
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