Enjoy some of my world travels and the wonderful wildlife I've witnessed.

Nov 21, 2018

South Texas Birds November 2018


South Texas Birds November 2018 

Here is a sampling of the various birds that are in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas

Oct 4, 2018

Alaskan Polar Bears Oct 2018

Alaskan Polar Bears Oct 2018

I've always had a fascination with bears. I've loved old stories and tales that would talk about totems and spirit animals and how the bear was considered one of the strongest. I did all sorts of research, talked with people and and finally discovered a location and outstanding guide where I could get up close and personal within the a polar bear.

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Canada Hudson Bay February 2024

There is only one word for this trip.... COLD!   Unfortunately, my health has had its ups and downs and for this trip it was closer to the b...
